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your fleet of trucks with one app

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About CBD Movers
CBD Movers are the leaders in local and interstate moving in Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada. With more than 15 years of experience, the company has a proven track record of providing unsurpassable moving services. CBD Movers has grown exponentially and intends to carry on its growth trajectory. In order to fuel its future growth plans, CBD Movers is looking for professional and experienced moving contractors. Join hands with us and become a part of this success story!

Why Partner CBD Movers
Focus on your core competency

- Best Hourly Rates
- Flexible Business Hours
- Free Social Media Advertising
- Regular Business
- In-house Design and Marketing Support
- Instant Brand Recognition
- Well Established Brand
- Branded trucks for Nationwide Presence
- Special Privileges For Preferred Moving Contractors
- Uniforms, Flyers and Marketing Resources
- Business Opportunity at No Cost
- High Customer Referral Rate
- Free Social Media Flyers & Offers
- Full Administrative Support
- No Inventories & Stock Storage Botheration